As promised, to begin this adventure with you guys, I will tell you the story of my very first meaningful encounter with a musician. Not much to my surprise he was a guitarist -ah, my favourite kind! I believe he was sort of a guest musician at a classical concert my parents dragged me to. The solo cellist of the orchestra was -and still is- a good friend of my parents. At that time, classical music and especially the -oh so boring- concerts my parents dragged me to weren't much of an interest to me. As a matter of fact I actually preferred playing video games and building camps in the forest with my best friend. So when I was running around in the venue after the concert was finished I wasn't expecting to bump into this gorgeous man with long dark locks. He was beautiful and exotic. As he excused him for bumping into me (it was of course my fault 'cause I was running around and not looking out) he smiled at me with his dark friendly eyes and I could see myself melting right in front of him, not knowing what to say. I'm sure my face was tomato red... He reminded me so much of Zorro (the real one, from the old series), which was my absolute childhood love. Everytime I had seen those dark eyes I melted right in front of the TV and in that exact same way I was melting in front of this guy with his guitar...Afterwards, I got a signed picture from him and uttered a shy, almost unhearable "thank you". I could barely look him in the eye. I held on to that picture and for many years it had hung on my wall next to my bed. I have no idea when, how and why I got rid of it but somehow I did, and up until this very moment -I'm not kidding- I had forgotten his name... Mike X.
Of course I googled him now that I remember his name but unfortunately there's not a lot of information on him. Here's a picture I found which resembles the vague image I have in my head. Also, according to what I could find he actually doesn't play the guitar, he plays the lute. But in the end I will always remember him as the man in that picture and the first 'guitarist' I had a crush on...
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