A few nights ago I was sitting at home thinking about what I was going to do that night when suddenly I got a text-message from Mr. X., asking me if I was home. Knowing the possibility of him arriving every second my heart skipped a beat and I jumped up and immediately made sure my room was guest-friendly. I got all excited again and I raced around the room, getting rid of any rubbish laying around. I dimmed the lights, sat down again and with my cell phone laying before me I waited. Meanwhile my friends were asking me if I would join them for a drink. Because I wouldn't want to miss out on Mr. X I lingered and kept waiting for a response or for my doorbell to ring. But minutes turned into an hour and still nothing happened so I decided I couldn't keep waiting forever and went off to see my friends. We went to some bar but again I couldn't stop thinking about him, I felt somewhat depressed and disappointed and I struggled to hide this from my friends.
Finally, after a few beers, I started to have some fun. To take my mind off things I looked around for some toys to play with. I noticed this one guy who was dancing at the other side of the dance floor. He noticed me as well and some long-distance 'flirting' went on for a while but neither of us really acted on it.
Later that night I was sitting at a table with my friends, talking to some Swedish man. He wasn't of much interest to me so I decided to go back to the dance hall and look for the guy I had been flirting with. Instead I found something way better! I was just standing there, looking around when this hot -and I mean HOT- long-haired Argentinian starts telling me how much he liked the music. He seemed to be naturally ecstatic and he looked smokin'! We started dancing and I felt right at place. He was absolutely gorgeous! He was quite tall and slim and his face was friendly, cute and handsome at the same time. When he kissed me I was in heaven. He was so cute, so hot, and so damn freakin' horny you wouldn't believe it! To top it off I found out he studied architecture, this really seemed too good to be true. While we were dancing he held me tight to his body, while whispering things in my ear like "I want to kiss you everywhere, all night long. You taste so good". Together with his cute accent this really turned me on... But oh, the timing couldn't be worse! I just got my period so I figured I wouldn't be getting any that night. But still, I wasn't ready to let go of this Argentinian just yet... We kept on dancing and making out and eventually my friends left without me.
A few minutes later we decided to leave as well, since it was almost 6 in the morning. He didn't live very far from me so we ended up walking home together. On the way home he took me to a place I'd never been before. It was absolutely beautiful. There was a small bridge with benches that watched over the still water. The lighting was soft and the place was extremely peaceful... We sat down and made out in the moonlight and if I hadn't stopped him we would've done it right then and there. And believe me, if I hadn't had my period I would've! But I said we couldn't and we walked on.
When we got to his building he pulled me inside the hallway and started kissing me again. This time he was really determined. Oh, how I love a man who knows what he wants and takes it! I really couldn't stop him anymore and before I knew it we were doing all these dirty things right in his hallway. And -oh,- this guy knew exactly which buttons to push... Although we didn't have extensive sex it was fairly obvious that he was into some kinky stuff. I think we could get along pretty well - although he might be a bit too much for me. But since I left without giving away my name nor phone number -neither seemed to be necessary- I'll probably never find out...
I can tell you one thing, I had forgotten all about Mr. X.
Or at least for a few hours...
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